Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mi.nor \'mi--n*r\ n 1: a person who has not attained majority  2: a 
   minor musical interval, scale, key, or mode  3: a minor academic subject 
2. minor aj [ME, fr. L, smaller, inferior; akin to OHG minniro smaller, L 
   minuere)X to lessen, Gk meio-n less 1: inferior in importance, size, or 
   degree : comparatively unimportant  2: not having reached majority  3a: 
   having the third, sixth, and sometimes the seventh degrees lowered a s 
   emitone {~ scale} 3b: based on a minor scale {~ key}  3c: less by a 
   semitone than the corresponding major interval {~ th ird} 3d: containing a 
   minor third {~ triad}  4: not serious or involving risk to life {~ illness} 
    5: of or relating to an academic subject requiring fewer courses than a ma 
3. minor vi : to take courses in a minor subject