Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. number                 1. . third or third.ly \'th*rd\ aj [ME thridde, thirde, fr. OE thridda, 
   thirdda; akin to L] tertius third, Gk tritos, treis three - more at THREE 
   1b1: being next to the second in place or time {~ in line}  1b2: ranking 
   next to the second of a grade or degree in authority or prece dence {~ 
   mate} 1c: being a type of grammatical declension or conjugation 
   conventionally p laced third in a sequential arrangement 1d: being the 
   forward speed or gear next higher than second in an automoti ve vehicle 2a: 
   being one of three equal parts into which anything is divisible  2b: being 
   the last in each group of three in a series {take out every R@ card} - 
   third. av
2. third n 2: one of three equal parts of something  3a: a musical interval 
   embracing three diatonic degrees  3b: a tone at this interval; specif : 
   MEDIANT  3c: the harmonic combination of two tones a third apart  4: the 
   third gear or speed of an automotive vehicle  5: one ranking next below 
   second in authority or precedence