Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ac.a.dem.ic \.ak-*-'dem-ik\ \-i-k*l\ \-k(*-)le-\ aj 1a: of, relating to, 
   or associated with an academy or school esp. of highe r learning {~ 
   costume} 1b: very learned but inexperienced in the world of practical 
   reality {R@ thinker} 1c: based on formal study at an institution of 
   learning  2: of or relating to literary or art rather than technical or 
   professional  studies 3: conforming to the traditions or rules of a school 
   (as of literature or  art) or an official academy : CONVENTIONAL 4a: 
   theoretical without having an immediate or practical bearing : AB STRACT 
   {an ~ question} 4b: having no practical or useful significance  - 
   ac.a.dem.i.cal aj
2. academic n 1: a member of an institution of learning  2: one that is 
   academic in background, outlook, or methods