Webster's English Dictionary

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1. say \'sa-, South also 'se\ \'sed esp when subject follows s*d\ \'sez\ vb 
   or said;  or say.ing or says [ME sayen, fr. OE secgan; akin to OHG sage-n 
   to say, Gk en]nepein to speak, tell 1a: to express in words : STATE  1b: to 
   state as opinion or belief : DECLARE  2a: UTTER, PRONOUNCE  2b: RECITE, 
   REPEAT {said his prayers}  3a: INDICATE, SHOW {the clock ~s five minutes af 
   ter twelve} 3b: to give expression to : COMMUNICATE {a glance that saidX 
   all that was necessary} : to express oneself : SPEAK  - say.er n
2. say \'sa-z, South also 'sez\ n or says pl  archaic  1: something that is 
   said : STATEMENT  2: an expression of opinion {had his ~}  3: a voice that 
   decides or helps decide :  3a: COMMAND  3b: VOTE 
3. say av [fr. imper. of 1say] 1: ABOUT, APPROXIMATELY {the property is 
   worth, ~, fou r million dollars} 2: for example : AS {if we compress any 
   gas, ~ oxygen}