Webster's English Dictionary

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musk \'m*sk\ n [ME muske, fr. MF musc, fr. LL muscus, fr. Gk moschos,]fr. 
   Per mushk, fr. Skt mussub-dot>ka testicle, fr. dim. of mu-ssub-dot> mouse; 
   akin to OE mu-s mouse 1a: a substance with a penetrating persistent odor 
   obtained from a sac bene ath the abdominal skin of the male musk deer and 
   used as a perfume fixative; also : a similar substance from another animal 
   or a synthetic substitute 1b: the odor of musk; also : an odor resembling 
   musk esp. in heavin ess or persistence 2: any of various plants with musky 
   odors; esp : MUSK PLANT