Webster's English Dictionary

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dis.tant \'dis-t*nt\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L distant-, distans, prp. of 
   distare to stan]d apart, be distant, fr. dis- + stare to stand 1a: 
   separated in space : AWAY  1b: situated at a great distance : FAR-OFF  1c: 
   separated by a great distance from each other : far apart  2: separated in 
   a relationship other than spatial {a ~ relative}  3: different in kind  4: 
   reserved or aloof in personal relationship : COLD {~ po liteness} 5a: 
   coming from or going to a distance {~ voyages}  5b: concerned with or 
   directed toward things at a distance {~ thou ghts}, REMOVED mean not close 
   in space, time, or relationship. DISTANT stresses separation and implies an 
   obvious interval whether long or short; FAR more often suggests an interval 
   in space and implies a relatively long distance away; FARAWAY and FAR-OFF 
   mean extremely far and are usu. preferred to FAR for indicating distance in 
   time; REMOTE suggests a far removal from one's point of view, time, or 
   location and connotes a consequent lessening of importance; REMOVED carries 
   an even stronger implication of separateness and therefore suggests a 
   contrast not only in time and space but often in character or quality - 
   dis.tant.ly av SYN syn DISTANT, FAR, FARAWAY, FAR-OFF, REMOTE