Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stin.gy \'stin-je-\ aj [prob. fr. (assumed) E dial. stinge, n., sting; 
   akin to OE stingan]to sting 1: not generous or liberal : sparing or scant 
   in giving or spending  2: meanly scanty or small : MEAGER {~ 
   portion}MMISERLY: STINGY implies a marked lack of generosity; CLOSE 
   suggests keeping a tight grip on one's money and possessions; NIGGARDLY 
   implies giving or spending the very smallest amount possible; PARSIMONIOUS 
   suggests a frugality so extreme as to lead to stinginess; PENURIOUS implies 
   niggardliness that give an appearance of actual poverty; MISERLY suggests a 
   sordid avariciousness and a morbid pleasure in hoarding SYN syn CLOSE, 
2. stingy \'stin-e-\ aj : able to sting