Webster's English Dictionary

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1. peach \'pe-ch\ n [ME peche, fr. MF, fr. LL persica, fr. L, pl. of 
   persicum, fr]. neut. of persicus Persian, fr. Persia 1a: a low spreading 
   freely branching Chinese tree (Prunus persica) of  the rose family that is 
   cosmopolitan in cultivation in temperate areas and has lanceolate leaves, 
   sessile usu. pink flowers borne on the naked twigs in early spring, and a 
   fruit which is a single-seeded drupe with a hard endocarp, a pulpy white or 
   yellow mesocarp, and a thin downy epicarp 1b: the edible fruit of the peach 
    2: a variable color averaging a moderate yellowish pink  3: one likened to 
   a peach in sweetness, beauty, or excellence 
2. peach vb [ME pechen, short for apechen to accuse, fr. (assumed) AF 
   apeche]r, fr. LL impedicare to entangle - more at IMPEACH : to inform 
   against : BETRAY  : to turn informer : BLAB