Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pea.cock \'pe--.ka:k\ \-ish\ \-e-\ n [ME pecok, fr. pe- (fr. OE pe-a 
   peafowl) + cok cock;] akin to OHG pfa-wo peacock; both fr. a prehistoric 
   WGmc-NGmc word borrowed fr. L pavon-, pavo peacock 1: a male peafowl 
   distinguished by a crest of upright plumules and by great ly elongated 
   loosely webbed upper tail coverts mostly tipped with ocellated spots and 
   erected and spread at will in a fan shimmering with iridescent color; 
   broadly : PEAFOWL 2: one making a proud display of himself  - pea.cock.ish 
2. peacock vi : to make a vainglorious display