Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cock \'ka:k\ n [ME cok, fr. OE cocc, of imit. origin] 1a: the adult male 
   of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus)  1b: the male of birds other than the 
   domestic fowl  1c: WOODCOCK  archaic  1d: the crowing of a cock; also : 
   COCKCROW  1e: WEATHERCOCK  2: a device (as a faucet or valve) for 
   regulating the flow of a liquid  3a: a chief person : LEADER  3b: a person 
   of spirit and often a certain swagger or arrogance  4a: the hammer in the 
   lock of a firearm  4b: the cocked position of the hammer  : one who 
   dominates a group or situation esp. overbearingly  - cock of the walk 
2. cock vi 1: STRUT, SWAGGER  2: to turn, tip, or stick up  3: to position 
   the hammer of a firearm for firing  1a: to draw the hammer of (a firearm) 
   back and set for firing; also  : to set (the trigger) for firing 1b: to 
   draw or bend back in preparation to throw or hit  1c: to set a mechanism 
   for tripping  2a: to set erect  2b: to turn, tip, or tilt usu. to one side  
   2c: to lift and place high  3: to turn up (as a hat brim) 
3. cock n : TILT, SLANT {~ of the head} 
4. cock n [ME cok, of Scand origin] : a small pile (as of hay) 
5. cock vt : to put (as hay) into cocks