Webster's English Dictionary

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1. crest \'krest\ n [ME creste, fr. MF, fr. L crista; akin to OE hrisian to 
   shake], L curvus curved 1a: a showy tuft or process on the head of a bird 
   or other animal  1b: the plume or identifying emblem worn on a knight's 
   helmet  1c1: a heraldic representation of the crest  1c2: a heraldic device 
   depicted above the escutcheon but not upon a helmet  2: something 
   suggesting a crest esp. in being an upper prominence, edge, or  limit : as 
   2a: PEAK; esp : the top line of a mountain or hill  2b: the ridge or top of 
   a wave or roof  3a: a high point of an action or process  3b: CLIMAX, 
2. crest vt 1: to furnish with a crest : CROWN  2: to reach the crest of  : 
   to rise to a crest