Webster's English Dictionary

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1. peep \'pe-p\ vi [ME pepen, of imit. origin] 1: to utter a feeble shrill 
   sound as of a bird newly hatched : CHEEP)M 2: to utter the slightest sound 
2. peep n 1: a feeble shrill sound : CHEEP  2: a slight utterance esp. of 
   complaint or protest 
3. peep vb [ME pepen, perh. alter. of piken to peek] 1a: to peer through a 
   crevice  1b: to look cautiously or slyly  2: to begin to emerge from 
   concealment  : to put forth or cause to protrude slightly 
4. peep n 1: the first glimpse or faint appearance {at the ~ of dawn}  2: a 
   brief or furtive look