Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. gaze                  
1. peer \'pi(*)r\ n [ME, fr. OF per, fr. per, adj., equal, fr. L par] often 
   attrib  1: one that is of equal standing with another : EQUAL  archaic  2: 
   COMPANION, FELLOW  3a: a member of one of the five ranks (as duke, 
   marquess, earl, viscount, o r baron) of the British peerage 3b: NOBLE 
2. peer vt archaic  : RIVAL, MATCH 
3. peer vi [perh. by shortening & alter. fr. appear] 1: to look narrowly or 
   curiously; esp : to look searchingly at som ething difficult to discern 2: 
   to come slightly into view