pen.dant also pen.dent \'pen-d*nt; 3 & 4 are also 'pen-*nt, 6 is also
pa:n-da:\ n [ME pendaunt, fr. MF pendant, fr. prp. of pendre to hang, fr.]n
(assumed) VL pendere, fr. L pende-re; akin to L pendere to weigh, estimate,
pay, pondus weight - more at SPAN 1: something suspended : as 1a: an
ornament allowed to hang free 1b: an electrical fixture suspended from the
ceiling 2: a hanging ornament of roofs or ceilings much used in the later
styles of Gothic architecture 3: a short rope hanging from a spar and
having at its free end a block or s pliced thimble chiefly Brit 4: PENNANT
5: the shank on a pocket watch stem to which the bow attaches 6: a
companion piece or supplement