1. hang \'han\ \'h*n\ \'hand\ \'han-in\ \'han-*-b*l\ vb or hung also
hanged; also hang.ing [partly fr. ME hon, fr. OE ho-n, v.t.; partly fr. ME
hangenX, fr. OE hangian, v.i. & v.t.; both akin to OHG ha-han, v.t., to
hang, hange-n, v.i. 1a: to fasten to some elevated point without support
from below : SUS PEND 1b: to put to death by suspending from a cross,
gibbet, or gallows {~ ed by the neck until dead} - used as a mild oath 1c:
to fasten so as to allow free motion within given limits upon a point of
suspension {~ a door} 1d: to fit or fix in position or at a proper angle {~
an ax to its helve} 1e: to adjust the hem of (a skirt) so that it hangs
evenly and at at prope r height 2: to cover, decorate, or furnish by
hanging pictures, trophies, or draper y 3: to hold or bear in a suspended
or inclined manner {~ his head i n shame} 4: to fasten to a wall {~
wallpaper} 5: to deadlock (a jury) by refusing to join in a unanimous vote
6: to display (pictures) in a gallery 1a: to remain suspended or fastened
to some point above without support fr om below : DANGLE 1b: to die by
hanging {he ~ed for his crimes} 2: to remain poised or stationary in the
air {clouds ~ing lo w overhead} 3: to stay with persistence 4: to be
imminent : IMPEND {evils ~ over the nation} 5: to fall or droop from a
usu. tense or taut position 6: DEPEND {election ~s on one vote} 7a1: to
take hold for support : CLING {she hung on his arm } 7a2: to keep
persistent contact {dogs hung to the trail} 7b: to be burdensome or
oppressive {time ~s on his hands} 7c: LEAN 8a: to be in suspense : suffer
delay {the decision is still ~ ing} 8b: to occupy an uncertain mid-position
9: to lean, incline, or jut over or downward 10: to be in a state of rapt
attention {hung on his every word} 11: LINGER, LOITER 12: to fit or fall
from the figure in easy lines {the coat ~sX loosely} 1: to be slow in the
explosion of a charge after its primer has been disch arged 2: DELAY,
HESITATE slang 1: to inflict a blow upon slang 2: to get very drunk -
hang.able aj
2. hang or care a hang n 1a: the manner in which a thing hangs 1b: a
position in gymnastics in which the center of gravity is below the po int
of support 2: DECLIVITY, SLOPE; also : DROOP 3a: peculiar and significant
meaning 3b: the special method of doing, using, or dealing with something
: KN ACK 4: a hesitation or slackening in motion or in a course : to be
concerned or worried - give a hang