Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pock.et \'pa:k-*t\ n [ME poket, fr. ONF pokete, dim. of poke bag, of Gmc 
   origin; a]kin to OE pocca bag 1a: a small bag carried by a person : PURSE  
   1b: a small bag open at the top or side inserted in a garment  2: supply of 
   money : MEANS  3: RECEPTACLE, CONTAINER : as  3a: a bag at the corner or 
   side of a billiard table  3b: a superficial pouch in some animals  4: a 
   small isolated area or group :  4a1: a cavity containing a deposit (as of 
   gold or water)  4a2: a small body of ore  4b: AIR HOLE  5: a place for a 
   spar made by sewing a strip of canvas on a sail  6a: BLIND ALLEY  6b: the 
   position of a contestant in a race hemmed in by others 
2. pocket vt 1a: to put or enclose in or as if in one's pocket  1b: to 
   appropriate to one's own use : STEAL  1c: to veto (a bill) by retaining it 
   unsigned until after a legislature ha s adjourned 2: to put up with : 
   ACCEPT  3: to set aside : SUPPRESS  4a: to hem in  4b: to drive (a ball) 
   into a pocket of a pool table  5: to cover or supply with pockets 
3. pocket aj 1a: small enough to be carried in the pocket  1b: SMALL, 
   MINIATURE  2: MONETARY  3: carried in or paid from one's own pocket in or 
   for small cash outlays