Webster's English Dictionary

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1. board \'bo-(*)rd, 'bo.(*)rd\ n [ME bord piece of sawed lumber, border, 
   ship's side, fr. OE; akin to OHG]bort ship's side, Skt bardhaka carpenter 
   obs  1: BORDER, EDGE  2a: the side of a ship  2b: the stretch that a ship 
   makes on one tack in beating to windward  3a: a piece of sawed lumber of 
   little thickness and a length greatly exceed ing its width pl  3b: STAGE  
   archaic  4a: TABLE  4b: a table spread with a meal  4c: daily meals esp. 
   when furnished for pay  4d: a table at which a council or magistrates sit  
   4e: a group of persons having managerial, supervisory, or managerial powers 
    {~ of directors} {school ~} {~ of examiners} 4f: LEAGUE, ASSOCIATION  4g: 
   the exposed hands of all the players in a stud poker game : an expose d 
   dummy hand in bridge 5a: a flat usu. rectangular peice of material designed 
   for a special purpos e 5b: a surface, frame, or device for posting notices 
   or listing market quota tions 6a: any of various wood pulps or composition 
   materials formed into flat rec tangular sheets 6b: the stiff foundation 
   piece for the side of a book cover  7a: an organized securities or 
   commodities exchange  : aboard  archaic  1: to come up against or alongside 
   (a ship) usu. to attack  2: ACCOST, ADDRESS  3: to go aboard (as a ship or 
   train)  4: to cover with boards {~ up a window}  5: to provide with regular 
   meals and often also lodging usu. for compensat ion : to take one's meals 
   usu. as a paying customer  - on board