Webster's English Dictionary

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1. reb.el \'reb-*l\ aj [ME, fr. OF rebelle, fr. L rebellis, fr. re- + 
   bellum w]ar, fr. OL duellum - more at DUEL 1a: opposing or taking arms 
   against the government or ruler  1b: of or relating to rebels  2: 
2. rebel n : one who rebels or participates in a rebellion 
3. re.bel \ri-'bel\ vi or re.belled;  or re.bel.ling 1a: to oppose or 
   disobey one in authority or control  1b: to renounce and resist by force 
   the authority of one's government  2a: to act in or show disobedience  2b: 
   to feel or exhibit anger or revulsion