Webster's English Dictionary

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1. felt \'felt\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG filz felt, L pellere to drive, 
   beat, Gk Xpelas near 1a: a cloth made of wool and fur often mixed with 
   natural or synthetic fibe rs through the action of heat, moisture, 
   chemicals, and pressure 1b: a firm woven cloth of wool or cotton heavily 
   napped and shrunk  2: an article made of felt  3: a material resembling 
   felt : as  3a: a heavy paper of organic or asbestos fibers impregnated with 
   asphalt an d used in building construction 3b: semirigid pressed fiber 
   insulation used in building 
2. felt vt 1: to make into felt or a similar substance  2: to cause to 
   adhere and mat together  3: to cover with felt 
3. felt  past of FEEL