Cross references:
1. fault 2. offense
1. vice \'vi-s\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L vitium fault, vice] 1a: moral
depravity or corruption : WICKEDNESS 1b: a moral fault or failing 1c:
FOIBLE 2: BLEMISH, DEFECT 3: a physical imperfection, deformity, or taint
often cap 4a: a character representing one of the vices in an English
morality play 4b: BUFFOON, JESTER 5: an abnormal behavior pattern in a
domestic animal detrimental to its hea lth or usefulness 6: sexual
immorality; esp : PROSTITUTION
2. vice n [ME vis, vice screw, fr. MF vis, viz something winding] chiefly
Brit : VISE
3. vice vt chiefly Brit : VISE
4. vi.ce \'vi--se-\ pp [L, abl. of vicis change, alternation, stead - more
at WEEK] : in the place of : SUCCEEDING