Webster's English Dictionary

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1. re.cruit \ri-'kru:t\ n [F recrute, recrue fresh growth, new levy of 
   soldiers, fr. MF, fr.]recroistre to grow up again, fr. L recrescere, fr. 
   re- + crescere to grow - more at CRESCENT 1: a fresh or additional supply  
   2: a newcomer to a field or activity; specif : a newly enlisted or  drafted 
   member of the armed forces 3: an enlisted man of the lowest rank in the 
2. recruit \-m*nt\ vt 1a: to fill up the number of (as an army) with new 
   members : REINFORC E 1b: ENLIST, RAISE  1c: to secure the services of : 
   ENGAGE  2: REPLENISH  3: to restore or increase the health, vigor, or 
   intensity of  : to enlist new members  - re.cruit.ment n