Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. new                   
1. fresh \'fresh\ aj [ME, fr. OF freis, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG frisc 
   fresh; akin to] [prob. by folk etymology fr. G frech]OE fersc fresh 1a: not 
   salt {~ water}  1b1: PURE, INVIGORATING {~ air}  of wind  1b2: STRONG  2a: 
   not stored or preserved {~ vegetables}  2b: having its original qualities 
   unimpaired : as  2b1: full of or renewed in vigor or readiness for action : 
   REFRESHED)M 2b2: not stale, sour, or decayed {~ bread}  2b3: not faded  
   2b4: not worn or rumpled : SPRUCE  3a1: experienced, made, or received 
   newly or anew  3a2: ADDITIONAL, ANOTHER {make a ~ start}  3b: ORIGINAL, 
   VIVID  3c: INEXPERIENCED, RAW  3d: newly or just come or arrived {~ from 
   school}  3e: having the milk flow recently established {a ~ cow}  4: 
   disposed to take liberties : IMPUDENT  - fresh.ly av
2. fresh aj : just recently : FRESHLY {a ~ laid egg} 
3. fresh n 1: an increased flow or rush (as of water) : FRESHET  2: a 
   stream of fresh water running into salt water