Webster's English Dictionary

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1. jump \'j*mp\ vb [prob. akin to LG gumpen to jump] 1a: to spring into the 
   air : LEAP; esp : to spring free fr om the ground or other base by the 
   muscular action of feet and legs 1b: to give a sudden movement : START  1c: 
   to move over a position occupied by an opponent's man in a board game  1d: 
   SKIP {his typewriter ~s}  1e: to undergo a vertical or lateral displacement 
   owing to improper alignm ent of the film on a projector mechanism 1f: to 
   begin a forward movement - usu. used with off  1g: to move energetically : 
   HUSTLE  2: COINCIDE, AGREE  3a: to move haphazardly or aimlessly {~ed from 
   job to job}  3b: to change employment in violation of contract  3c: to rise 
   suddenly in rank or status  3d: to undergo a sudden sharp increase {prices 
   ~ed}  3e: to make a jump bid in bridge  3f: to make a hurried judgment {~ 
   to conclusions}  3g: to show eagerness {~ed at the chance}  3h: to enter 
   eagerly - usu. used with in or into  4: to make a sudden physical or verbal 
   attack {~ed on him fo r his criticism} 5: to bustle with activity  1a: to 
   pass over by a leap {~ a hurdle}  1b: to move over (a man) in a board game  
   1c: BYPASS {~ electrical connections}  1d: ANTICIPATE {~ the gun in 
   starting a race}  1e: to leap aboard {~ a freight}  obs  2: RISK, HAZARD  
   3a: to escape from  3b: to leave hastily or in violation of contract  3c: 
   to depart from (a normal course) {~ the track}  4a: to make a sudden 
   physical or verbal attack on  4b: to occupy illegally {~ a mining claim}  
   5a1: to cause to leap  5a2: START, FLUSH  5b: to elevate in rank or status  
   5c: to raise (a bridge partner's bid) by more than one rank  5d: to 
   increase suddenly and sharply 
2. jump av obs  : EXACTLY, PAT 
3. jump n 1a1: an act of jumping : LEAP  1a2: any of several sports 
   competitions featuring a leap, spring, or bound  1a3: a space cleared or 
   covered by a leap  1a4: an obstacle to be jumped over  1b1: a sudden 
   involuntary movement : START  pl  1b2: FIDGETS  1c: a move made in a board 
   game by jumping  obs  2: VENTURE  3a: a sharp sudden increase  3b: a sudden 
   change  3c1: a quick short journey  3c2: one in a series of moves from one 
   place to another  4: an advantage at the start