Webster's English Dictionary

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re.lax \ri-'laks\ vb [ME relaxen to make less compact, fr. L relaxare, fr. 
   re- + (Xlaxare to loosen, fr. laxus loose - more at SLACK 1: to make less 
   tense or rigid : SLACKEN  2: to make less severe or stringent  3: to make 
   soft or enervated  4: to relieve from nervous tension  1: to become lax, 
   weak, or loose : REST  2: to abate in intensity  of a muscle or muscle 
   fiber  3: to become inactive and lengthen  4: to cast off social restraint, 
   nervous tension, or attitude of anxiety o r suspicion 5: to seek rest or 
   recreation  6: to relieve constipation  - re.lax.er n