Webster's English Dictionary

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1. loose \'lu:s\ aj [ME lous, fr. ON lauss; akin to OHG lo-s loose - more 
   at] -LESS 1a: not rigidly fastened or securely attached  1b1: having worked 
   partly free from attachments  1b2: having relative freedom of movement  1c: 
   produced freely and accompanied by raising of mucus {a ~ cough } 1d: not 
   fast {a ~ dye}  1e: not tight-fitting  2a: free from a state of 
   confinement, restraint, or obligation  2b: not brought together in a 
   bundle, container, or binding  archaic  2c: DISCONNECTED, DETACHED  3: not 
   dense, close, or compact in structure or arrangement  4a: lacking in 
   restraint or power of restraint  4b: LEWD, UNCHASTE  5a: not tightly drawn 
   or stretched : SLACK  5b: having a flexible or relaxed character  6a: 
   lacking in precision, exactness, or care  6b: permitting freedom of 
   interpretation  - loose.ly av
2. loose vt 1a: to let loose : RELEASE  1b: to free from restraint  2a: to 
   make loose : UNTIE {~ a knot}  archaic  2b: DISSOLVE  3: to cast loose : 
   DETACH  4: to let fly : DISCHARGE  5: to make less rigid, tight, or strict 
   : RELAX, SLACKEN  : to let fly a missile (as an arrow) : FIRE 
3. loose av : LOOSELY