Cross references:
1. negligent
1. slack \'slak\ aj [ME slak, fr. OE sleac; akin to OHG slah slack, L
laxus] slack, loose, langue-re to languish, Gk le-gein to stop 1: not using
due diligence, care, or dispatch : NEGLIGENT 2a: characterized by
slowness, sluggishness, or lack of energy {~ pace} 2b: moderate in some
quality; esp : moderately warm {~ ove n} 2c: blowing or flowing at low
speed {~ tide} 3a: not tight : not tense or taut : RELAXED {~ rope} 3b:
lacking in firmness : WEAK, SOFT {~ control} 4: wanting in activity : DULL
{~ season} 5: lacking in completeness, finish, or perfection 6: not
watertight {~ cooperage} - av
2. slack vt 1a: to be slack or negligent in performing or doing 1b:
LESSEN, MODERATE 2: to release tension on : LOOSEN 3a: to cause to abate
3b: SLAKE 1: to be or become slack 2: to shirk or evade work or duty
3. slack n 1: cessation in movement or flow 2: a part of something that
hangs loose without strain {take up the ~)R of a rope} pl 3: trousers esp.
for casual wear 4: a dull season or period : LULL
4. slack n [ME slak, fr. ON slakki] dial Eng : a pass between hills : GLEN
5. slack n [ME sleck] : the finest screenings of coal produced at a mine
unusable as fuel unless cleaned