Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. decrease              
abate \*-'ba-t\ vb [ME abaten, fr. OF abattre to beat down - more at 
   REBATE] 1: to put an end to : NULLIFY {~ a nuisance}  2a: to reduce in 
   degree or intensity : DIMINISH  2b: to reduce in value  3: DEDUCT, OMIT  
   4a: to beat down or cut away so as to leave a figure in relief  obs  4b: 
   BLUNT  5: DEPRIVE  1: to decrease in force or intensity : SUBSIDE  2a: to 
   become defeated or become null or void  2b: to decrease in amount or value 
   of progressive diminishing {winds are abating} SUBSIDE implies the ceasing 
   of turbulence or agitation {after the panic had subsided} WANE suggests the 
   fading or weakening of something good or impressive {waning enthusiasm} EBB 
   suggests the receding of something that commonly comes and goes {ebbing 
   vitality} - abat.er n SYN syn SUBSIDE, WANE, EBB: ABATE stresses the idea