Webster's English Dictionary

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1. re.peat \ri-'pe-t\ \-e-b*l\ vb [ME repeten, fr. MF repeter, fr. L 
   repetere, fr. re- +]petere to go to or toward - more at FEATHER 1a: to say 
   or state again : REITERATE  1b: to say over from memory : RECITE  1c: to 
   say after another  2a: to make, do, or perform again  2b: to make appear 
   again  2c: to go through or experience again  3: to express or present 
   (oneself) again in the same words, terms, or form  : to say, do, or 
   accomplish something again . REPEAT is the general term and may imply once 
   or many times by the same agent or different agents; ITERATE and REITERATE 
   stress exact repetition of something said; REITERATE may be stronger in 
   implying manifold repetition - re.peat.able aj SYN syn REPEAT, ITERATE, 
   REITERATE mean to say or do again 
2. re.peat \ri-'pe-t, 're--.\ n 1: the act of repeating  2a: something 
   repeated  2b1: a musical passage to be repeated in performance  2b2: a sign 
   consisting typically of two vertical dots placed before and aft er a 
   passage to be repeated 2c: a rebroadcast of a radio or television program