Webster's English Dictionary

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ex.ten.sion \ik-'sten-ch*n\ n [ME, fr. MF or LL; MF, fr. LL extension-, 
   extensio, fr. L extens]us, pp. of extendere 1a: the action of extending : 
   state of being extended  1b: something extended  2a: the total range over 
   which something extends : COMPASS  2b: DENOTATION  3a: the stretching of a 
   fractured or luxated limb so as to restore it to it s natural position 3b: 
   the straightening out of a flexed limb  4: a property whereby something 
   occupies space  5: an increase in length of time; specif : an agreement on 
   or conce ssion of additional time 6: the making available of the 
   educational resources of an institution by s pecial programs (as 
   correspondence courses) to persons otherwise unable to take advantage of 
   such resources 7a: a part constituting an addition  7b: a section forming 
   an additional length  7c: an extra telephone connected to the principal 