Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. rebellion             
1. re.volt \ri-'vo-lt also -'vo.lt\ vb [MF revolter, fr. OIt rivoltare to 
   overthrow, fr. (assumed) VL r]evolvitare, freq. of L revolvere to revolve, 
   roll back 1: to renounce allegiance or subjection (as to a government) : 
   REBEL)M 2a: to experience disgust or shock {his nature ~s against su ch 
   treatment} 2b: to turn away with disgust  : to cause to turn away or shrink 
   with disgust or abhorrence : NAUSE ATE - re.volt.er n
2. revolt n 1: an act or instance of revolting  2: a renunciation of 
   allegiance to a government or other legitimate authori ty; esp :