Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. consider              
re.volve \ri-'va:lv, -'vo.lv\ vb [ME revolven, fr. L revolvere to roll 
   back, cause to return, fr. Xre- + volvere to roll - more at VOLUBLE 1: to 
   turn over at length in the mind : PONDER {~ a scheme } 2a: to cause to go 
   round in an orbit  2b: to cause to turn round on or as if on an axis : 
   ROTATE  1: RECUR  2a: to meditate on something  2b: to remain under 
   consideration {ideas revolved in his mind}  3a: to move in a curved path 
   round a center or axis  3b: to turn or roll round on an axis  4: to move in 
   response to or dependence on a specified agent {whole hous ehold ~s about 
   the baby}