Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. contract               2. recoil                
1. shrink \'shrink, esp South 'srink\ \'s(h)rank\ \'s(h)r*nk\ 
   \'s(h)r*n-k*n\ \'s(h)rin-k*-b*l\ vb or shrank also shrunk;  also shrunk;  
   or shrunk.en [ME shrinken, fr. OE scrincan; akin to MD schrinken to draw 
   b]ack, L curvus curved - more at CROWN 1: to contract or curl up the body 
   or part of it : HUDDLE, COWE R 2a: to contract to a less extent or compass  
   2b: to become smaller or more compacted  2c: to lose substance or weight  
   2d: to lessen in value : DWINDLE  3: to draw back  : to cause to contract 
   or shrink; specif : to compact (cloth) by  causing to contract when 
   subjected to washing, boiling, steaming, or other processes - shrink.able 
2. shrink n 1: the act of shrinking  2: SHRINKAGE