1. sac.ri.fice \'sak-r*, -f*s also\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L
sacrificium, fr. sacr-, sacer] 1: an act of offering something precious to
deity; specif : the off ering of a immolated victim 2: something offered in
sacrifice 3a: destruction or surrender of something for the sake of
something else 3b: something given up or lost {the ~s made by parents} 4:
2. sac.ri.fice \, also -f*s\ vt 1: to offer as a sacrifice :
IMMOLATE 2: to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy for
an ideal, belief, or end 3: to sell at a loss 1: to offer up or perform
rites of a sacrifice 2: to make a sacrifice hit in baseball - n