Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. serious               
1. so.ber \'so--b*r\ \-b*r-*r\ \-b(*-)r*st\ \-b*r-le-\ aj or so.ber.er;  or 
   so.ber.est [ME sobre, fr. MF, fr. L sobrius; akin to L ebrius drunk] 1a: 
   sparing in the use of food and drink : ABSTEMIOUS  1b: not addicted to 
   intoxicating drink : ABSTINENT  1c: not drunk  2: marked by sedate or 
   gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demean or : SERIOUS, SOLEMN 
   archaic  3: UNHURRIED, CALM  4: marked by temperance, moderation, or 
   seriousness  5: subdued in tone or color  6: showing no excessive or 
   extreme qualities of fancy, emotion, or prejudi ce : as 6a: REALISTIC  6b: 
   well balanced : RESTRAINED  6c: RATIONAL  - so.ber.ly av
2. sober \-b(*-)rin\ vt or so.ber.ing : to make sober to become sober