Webster's English Dictionary

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1. shine \'shi-n\ \'sho-n, esp Brit 'sha:n\ vb or shone or shined;  or 
   shin.ing [ME shinen, fr. OE sci-nan; akin to OHG ski-nan to shin]e, Gk skia 
   shadow 1: to emit rays of light  2: to be bright by reflection of light  3: 
   to be eminent, conspicuous, or distinguished  4: to have a bright glowing 
   appearance  5: to be conspicuously evident or clear  1a: to cause to emit 
   light  1b: to throw or flash the light of  2: to make bright by polishing 
2. shine n 1: brightness caused by the emission of light  2: brightness 
   caused by the reflection of light : LUSTER  3: BRILLIANCE, SPLENDOR  4: 
   fair weather : SUNSHINE  5: TRICK, CAPER - usu. used in pl.  6: LIKING, 
   FANCY {took a ~ to him}  7a: a polish or gloss given to shoes  7b: a single 
   polishing of a pair of shoes