Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. annotate              
1. gloss \'gla:s, 'glo.s\ n [prob. of Scand origin; akin to Icel glossa to 
   glow; akin to OE geolu)X yellow 1: a superficial luster or brightness : 
   POLISH  2: a deceptively attractive appearance : SEMBLANCE 
2. gloss vt 1a: to give a deceptive appearance to {~ the matter over}  1b: 
   to hide by a plausible pretext or quick superficial discussion {~  over 
   inadequacies} 2: to give gloss to 
3. gloss n [ME glose, fr. OF, fr. L glossa unusual word requiring 
   explanation,] fr. Gk glo-ssa, glo-tta tongue, language, unusual word; akin 
   to Gk glo-chis projecting point 1a: a brief explanation (as in the margin 
   or between the lines of a text) o f a difficult or obscure word or 
   expression 1b: a false interpretation  2a: GLOSSARY  2b: an interlinear 
   translation  2c: a continuous commentary accompanying a text 
4. gloss vt 1: to furnish glosses for  2: to make a false or perverse 
   interpretation of