Webster's English Dictionary

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1. shut \'sh*t\ vb or shut;  or shut.ting [ME shutten, fr. OE scuttan; akin 
   to OE sce-otan to shoot]- more at SHOOT 1a: to move into position to close 
   an opening {~ the door}  1b: to prevent passage to or from by closing doors 
   or openings : CLOS E 1c: to forbid entrance into : BAR  2: to confine by or 
   as if by enclosure {~ him in the closet}  3: to fasten with a lock or bolt  
   4: to close by bringing enclosing or covering parts together {~ th e eyes} 
   5: to cause to cease or suspend operation  : to close itself or become 
2. shut n 1: the act or time of shutting  2: the line of union at a welded 