Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lock \'la:k\ n [ME lok, fr. OE locc; akin to OHG loc lock, L luctari t]o 
   struggle, luxus dislocated 1a: a tuft, tress, or ringlet of hair  pl  1b: 
   the hair of the head  2: a cohering bunch (as of wool, cotton, flax) : TUFT 
2. lock n [ME lok, fr. OE loc; akin to OHG loh enclosure, OE locc] lock of 
   hair 1a: a fastening (as for a door) operated by a key or a combination  
   1b: the mechanism for exploding the charge or cartridge of a firearm  2a: 
   an enclosure (as in a canal) with gates at each end used in raising or  
   lowering boats as they pass from level to level 2b: AIR LOCK  3a: a locking 
   or fastening together  3b: an intricate mass of objects impeding each other 
   (as in a traffic jam)  3c: a hold in a wrestling secured on one part of the 
3. lock vt 1a: to fasten the lock of  1b: to make fast with or as if with a 
   lock {~ up the house}  2a: to make secure or inaccessible by means of locks 
   : CONFINE  2b: to hold fast or inactive : FIX  3a: to make fast by the 
   interlacing or interlocking of parts  3b: to hold in a close embrace; also 
   : to grapple in combat  3c: to fasten (imposed letterpress matter) securely 
   in a chase or on the b ed of a press by tightening the quoins; also : to 
   attach (a curved plate) to the plate cylinder of a rotary press 4: to 
   invest (capital) without assurance of easy convertibility into money  5a: 
   to move or permit to pass by raising or lowering in a lock  5b: to provide 
   with locks  5c: to divide off by a lock  1: to be come locked  2: 
   INTERLACE, INTERLOCK  3a: to build locks to facilitate navigation  3b: to 
   go or pass by means of a lock (as in a canal)