Webster's English Dictionary

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op.er.a.tion \.a:p-*-'ra--sh*n\ n 1: a doing or performing of a practical 
   work or of something involving prac tical application of principles or 
   processes 2a: an exertion of power or influence : FUNCTIONING  2b: the 
   quality or state of being functional or operative  2c: method or manner of 
   functioning  3: EFFICACY, POTENCY  4: a procedure on a living body usu. 
   with instruments for the repair of dam age or the restoration of health 5: 
   any of various mathematical or logical processes of deriving one express 
   ion from others according to a rule 6a: a military or naval action, 
   mission, or maneuver including its planning  and execution pl  6b: the 
   office on the flight line of an airfield where pilots file clearanc es for 
   flights and which controls flying from the field 7: a business transaction 
   esp. when speculative