1. smart \'sma:rt\ vi [ME smerten, fr. OE smeortan; akin to OHG smerzan to
pain, L]morde-re to bite, Gk marainein to waste away 1: to cause or be the
cause or the seat of a sharp poignant pain; also)X : to feel or have such a
pain 2: to feel acutely remorseful 3: to endure sharp pain; esp : to pay a
heavy or stinging penalty
2. smart aj archaic 1: causing or marked by smarting : STINGING 2: marked
by often sharp forceful activity or vigorous strength 3: BRISK, SPIRITED
4a: mentally alert : BRIGHT 4b: sharp in scheming : SHREWD 5a: WITTY,
CLEVER 5b: PERT, SAUCY 6a: NEAT, TRIM 6b: stylish or elegant in dress or
appearance 6c1: SOPHISTICATED 6c2: characteristic of or patronized by
fashionable society - av
3. smart av : SMARTLY
4. smart n 1: a smarting pain; esp : a stinging local pain 2: poignant
grief or remorse 3: an affectedly witty or fashionable person