Webster's English Dictionary

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1. snake \'sna-k\ n [ME, fr. OEsnaca; akin to OE sngl snail] 1: any of 
   numerous limbless scaled reptiles (suborder Serpentes or Ophidia)  with a 
   long tapering body and often salivary glands modified to produce venom 
   which is injected through grooved or tubular fangs 2: a worthless or 
   treacherous fellow to Oe sngl snail) :  1: any of numerous limbless 
   scaled reptiles (suborder Serpentes or Ophidia)  with a long tapering body 
   and often salivary glands modified to produce venom which is injected 
   through grooved or tubular fangs 2: a worthless or treacherous fellow 
2. snake vt 1: to wind (as one's way) in the manner of a snake  2: to move 
   (as logs) by dragging : SKID  : to crawl or move silently, secretly, or 