Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. creep                 
1. crawl \'kro.l\ vb [ME crawlen, fr. ON krafla; akin to OE crabba crab] 1: 
   to move slowly with the body close to the ground : CREEP  2: to drag along 
   slowly or feebly  3: to advance by guile or servility  4: to spread by 
   extending stems or tendrils  5a: to be alive or swarming with or as if with 
   creeping things  5b: to have the sensation of insects creeping over one  1: 
   to move upon in or as if in a creeping manner  slang  2: to reprove harshly 
    - crawl.er n
2. crawl n 1a: the act of crawling  1b: chiefly Brit : a progress from one 
   pub to another  2: a prone speed swimming stroke consisting of a double 
   overarm stroke comb ined with a flutter kick
3. crawl n [Afrik kraal pen] : an enclosure in shallow waters