Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. quarrel               
1. spat  past of SPIT 
2. spat \'spat\ n or spat or spats [origin unknown] pl  : a young oyster or 
   other bivalve - usu. used collectively 
3. spat n [short for spatterdash (legging)] : a cloth or leather gaiter 
   covering the instep and ankle - usu. used in  pl.
4. spat n [prob. imit.] 1: a brief petty quarrel  chiefly dial  2: SLAP  3: 
   a sound like that of rain falling in large drops {~ of bullets>
5. spat vb or spat.ted;  or spat.ting chiefly dial  : SLAP  1: to quarrel 
   pettily or briefly  2: to strike with a sound like that of rain falling in 
   large drops