1. spit \'spit\ n [ME, fr. OE spitu; akin to L spina thorn, spine] 1: a
slender pointed rod for holding meat over a fire 2: a small point of land
commonly running into a body of water
2. spit vt or spit.ted; or spit.ting : to fix on or as if on a spit :
3. spit \'spat\ vb or spit or spat; or spit.ting [ME spitten, fr. OE
spittan, of imit. origin] 1a: to eject (as saliva) from the mouth :
EXPECTORATE 1b1: to express by or as if by spitting 1b2: to utter with a
spitting sound or scornful expression 1c: to emit as if by spitting;
specif : to emit (precipitation) in driving particles or in flurries {~
rain} 2: to set to burning {~ a fuse} 1a1: to eject saliva as in aversion
or contempt 1a2: to exhibit contempt 1b: to eject saliva from the mouth :
EXPECTORATE 2: to rain or snow slightly or in flurries 3: to make a noise
suggesting expectoration : SPUTTER - spit.ter n
4. spit n 1a1: SPITTLE, SALIVA 1a2: the act or an instance of spitting
1b1: a frothy secretion exuded by spittlebugs 1b2: SPITTLEBUG 2: perfect
likeness : COUNTERPART, IMAGE 3: a sprinkle of rain or flurry of snow