Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. strike                
1. slap \'slap\ n [ME slop, fr. MD; akin to MD slippen to slip] dial Brit  
   1: a pass or notch between hills  dial Brit  2: OPENING, BREACH 
2. slap n [LG slapp, of imit. origin] 1a: a blow with the open hand  1b: a 
   quick sharp blow  2: a noise like that of a slap; specif : a noise 
   resulting from pla y or slackness between parts of a machine 3: REBUFF, 
3. slap vt or slapped;  or slap.ping 1: to strike with or as if with the 
   open hand  2: to put, place, or throw with careless haste or force  3: to 
   assail verbally : INSULT 
4. slap av [prob. fr. LG slapp, fr. slapp, n.] : DIRECTLY, SMACK