Webster's English Dictionary

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1. walk \'wo.k\ vb [partly fr. ME walken (past welk, pp. walken), fr. OE 
   weal]can to roll, toss (past we-olc, pp. wealcen) and partly fr. ME walkien 
   (past walked, pp. walked), fr. OE wealcian to roll up, muffle up; akin to 
   MD walken to knead, press, full, L valgus bowlegged obs  1a: ROAM, WANDER  
   of a spirit  1b: to move about in visible form : APPEAR  of a ship  1c: to 
   make headway  2a: to move along on foot : advance by steps  2b: to go on 
   foot for exercise or pleasure  2c: to go at a walk  3a: to pursue a course 
   of action or way of life : conduct oneself : MBEHAVE {~ in darkness -Jn 
   8:12 (AV)} 3b: to be or act in association : continue in union  4: to go to 
   first base as the result of a base on balls  of an inanimate object  5a: to 
   move in a manner that is suggestive of walking  5b: to stand with an 
   appearance suggestive of strides {pylons ~ ing across the valley} 1a: to 
   pass on foot or as if on foot through, along, over, or upon :  TRAVERSE, 
   PERAMBULATE {~ the streets} {~ a tightrope} 1b: to perform or accomplish by 
   going on foot {~ guard}  2a: to cause (an animal) to go at a walk {~ing a 
   dog}  2b: to cause to move by walking {~ed his bicycle up the hill }; 
   specif : to haul (as an anchor) by walking round the capstan 3: to follow 
   on foot for the purpose of measuring, surveying, or inspectin g {~ a 
   boundary} 4a: to accompany on foot : walk with  4b: to compel to walk  4c: 
   to bring to a specified condition by walking {~ed us off  our feet} 5: to 
   move (an object) in a manner suggestive of walking  6: to perform (a dance) 
   at a walking pace {~ a quadrille}  7: to give a base on balls to  1: to 
   outrun or get the better of without difficulty  2: to survive (an accident) 
   with little or no injury  1a: ATTACK  1b: to reprimand harshly : criticize 
   severely  2a: to eat or drink greedily {walked right into the beer and  
   pretzels} 2b: to use up rapidly  1a: to steal and take away  1b: to take 
   over unexpectedly from someone else : STEAL  2: to win or gain esp. by 
   outdoing one's competitors without difficulty  : to disregard the wishes or 
   feelings of : treat contemptuously  1: to walk under compulsion over the 
   side of a ship into the sea  2: to resign an office or position under 
   compulsion  1: to go through (a play or acting part) perfunctorily as in an 
   early stag e of rehearsal 2: to deal with or carry out perfunctorily  - 
   walk away from 
2. walk n 1: an act or instance of going on foot esp. for exercise or 
   pleasure {go  for a ~} 2: accustomed place of walking : HAUNT  3: a place 
   designed for walking :  3a: a railed platform above the roof of a dwelling 
   house  3b1: a path specially arranged or paved for walking  3b2: SIDEWALK  
   3c: a public avenue for promenading : PROMENADE  3d: ROPEWALK  4: a place 
   or area of land in which animals feed and exercise with minimal  restraint 
   5: distance to be walked  Brit  6: a ceremonial procession  7: manner of 
   living : CONDUCT, BEHAVIOR  8a: the gait of a biped in which the feet are 
   lifted alternately with one f oot not clear of the ground before the other 
   touches 8b: the gait of a quadruped in which there are always at least two 
   feet on  the ground; specif : a four-beat gait of a horse in which the feet 
   strike the ground in the sequence near hind, near fore, off hind, off fore 
   8c: an extremely low rate of speed  9: a route regularly traversed by a 
   person in the performance of a particul ar activity (as patrolling, 
   begging, vending) 10: characteristic manner of walking {his ~ is just like 
   his father 's} 11a: social or economic status {all ~s of life}  11b1: range 
   or sphere of action : FIELD, PROVINCE  11b2: VOCATION  12: a plantation of 
   trees arranged in rows with wide spaces between them  13: BASE ON BALLS