Webster's English Dictionary

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1. walk.ing \'wo.-kin\ n 1: the action of one that walks {~ is good 
   exercise}  2: the condition of a surface for one going on foot {the ~ is 
   slipp ery}
2. walking aj 1a: LIVING, HUMAN {a ~ encyclopedia}  1b: able to walk : 
   AMBULATORY  2a: used for or in walking {~ shoes}  2b: characterized by or 
   consisting of the action of walking {a ~ t our} 3: of or appropriate to a 
   person being dismissed  4: that moves or appears to move in a manner 
   suggestive of walking; esp  : that swings or rocks back and forth {~ beam} 
   5: not requiring bed rest  6: guided or operated by a man on foot {~ plow}