Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fit                   
1. meet \'me-t\ \'met\ vb or met;  or meet.ing [ME meten, fr. OE me-tan; 
   akin to OHG muoz meeting, Arm Xmatchachek>im I approach 1a: to come into 
   the presence of : FIND  1b: to approach from another direction  1c: to come 
   into contact or conjunction with : JOIN  1d: to appear to the perception of 
    2: to encounter as antagonist or foe : OPPOSE  3: to join in discussion or 
   intercourse  4: to conform to  5: to pay fully : SETTLE  6: to cope with : 
   MATCH  7: to provide for  1a: to come together from different directions  
   1b: to come together for a common purpose : ASSEMBLE  2: to come into 
   intercourse or conflict  3: to become joined into one : UNITE  - meet.er n
2. meet n 1: an assembling for a hunt or for competitive sports  2: a 
   meeting usu. for competition or a specific activity 
3. meet aj [ME mete, fr. OE gem-te; akin to OE metan mete] : SUITABLE, 
   PROPER  - meet.ly av