Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tum.ble \'t*m-b*l\ \-b(*-)lin\ vb or tum.bling [ME tumblen, freq. of 
   tumben to dance, fr. OE tumbian; akin t]o OHG tu-mo-n to reel 1a: to 
   perform gymnastic feats of rolling and turning  1b: to turn end over end in 
   falling or flight  2a: to fall suddenly and helplessly  2b: to suffer a 
   sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat  2c: to decline suddenly and sharply 
   (as in price) : DROP  2d: to fall into ruin : COLLAPSE  3: to roll over and 
   over or to and fro : TOSS  4: to issue forth hurriedly and confusedly  5: 
   to come by chance : STUMBLE  6: to come to understand : catch on  1: to 
   cause to tumble (as by pushing, tossing, or toppling)  2a: to throw 
   together in a confused mass  2b: RUMPLE, DISORDER  3: to whirl (objects or 
   material) in a tumbling barrel (as in drying cloth es)
2. tumble n 1a: a random collection : HEAP  1b: a disorderly state  2: an 
   act or instance of tumbling