Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fur \'f*r\ vb or furred;  or fur.ring [ME furren, fr. MF fourrer, fr. OF 
   forrer, fr. fuerre s]heath, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG fuotar sheath; akin 
   to Gk po-y herd, Skt pa-ti he protects 1: to cover, line, trim, or clothe 
   with fur  2: to coat or clog as if with fur  3: to apply furring to  : to 
   become coated or clogged as if with fur 
2. fur \'f*r-l*s\ n often attrib  1: a piece of the dressed pelt of an 
   animal used to make, trim, or line wea ring apparel 2: an article of 
   clothing made of or with fur  3: the hairy coat of a mammal esp. when fine, 
   soft, and thick; also :: such a coat with the skin 4: a coating resembling 
   fur : as  4a: a coat of epithelial debris on the tongue  4b: the thick pile 
   of a fabric (as chenille)  - fur.less aj